Defend Wisconsin News Round Up

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday evening news round up

Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug LaFollette won't publish bargaining law until March 25 - the latest day he's allowed to do so under law.

Wisconsin AFL-CIO confirms that the 14 Senate Democrats will appear at the 3PM rally at the State Capitol tomorrow, Saturday, March 12.

People's World:  GOP takes away people's rights

People's World:  Your mailman talks about St. Patrick's Day and workers who vote Republican

Senator Chris Larson:
@WV26003 @Karoli Regarding the 2 different bills: It looks like the two 138-page bills are not different inside, just the initial analysis is. Fun fact: the GOP Senators decided by unanimous consent not to print or read the bill before passing it. I guess when you know you're a rubber-stamp, you don't need to waste time or paper.

It's getting ugly in Michigan

Political Carnival: GOP State Senator Randy Hoppers' wife tells protesters Hopper is living with 25 year old mistress in Madison.

Constituents thank Senator Schultz for voting against the bill - video

Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin:  We know you're outraged, now join us

Contribute to the official PCCC (Progressive Change Campaign Committee) Recall campaign

Judge refuses to block Wisconsin anti-union law|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Wisconsin's Attorney General says he will decide whether to investigate last night's vote based on the tally of calls he receives! Tell him he needs to enforce the laws of WI! 608-266-1221. Call between 7:45-4:30! you can also email:

Governor Walker signs "budget repair bill" into law - video

Governor Walker says support will grow for new law

Vote seems to pull people together for more protests

Putting public pension plans in plain English

Here is the bill that passed:

CNN:  Wisconsin's Walker: Union man of the year

"Crisis in Dairyland" changed Wisconsin's brand and not in a good way

Tell Senate Democrats to stand up and fight!

Wisconsin protesters react peacefully, defiantly to legislative loss

Practical advice: how to score at a protest

Tears and resolve after Capitol vote

Jon Stewart - Apocalypse Cow

Breaking:  Scott Walker, Hollywood Sean Duffy to Toast Koch Brothers At Victory Party in Bayfield County

Michael Thornton: Where Are the Massive Demonstrations and Media Circuses for the Poor, the Unemployed and the Uninsured?

THE GOVERNOR WILL BE IN BELOIT TOMORROW: Governor Walker will be attending the Republican Lincoln Day Dinner at the Eclipse Center—5:00 1720 Riverside Drive- we will be gathering at two entrances: The Henry Street entrance, and the Eclipse Drive entrance (near the new public library). Let’s give a Rock County greeting to Walker and his buddies –Paul Ryan, far right wing radio guy Charlie Sykes, and others

Labor movement history:  Haymarket affair

Will the Wisconsin recall efforts succeed? - poll

Stat of the Day:  Number of State lawmakers removed via recall in all of American history - 13.  Number of State lawmakers facing recall now in Wisconsin - 16.

Wisconsin Resistance Radio

Video of protests on March 10, 2011

Guardian: Scott Walker, Reagan's self-appointed heir

New York Times Editorial:  It's not over in Wisconsin

Today in Indianapolis...

Scott Walker:  "What we're doing here... is progressive.  It's innovative"

Grass Roots:  Studying "troublemaker" manual to counter attack on workers, the poor

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