Defend Wisconsin News Round Up

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Forget to Act Locally!

My family is jealous of my computer--with good reason! I am spending an inordinate amount of time glued to the chair with my fingers and wrists aching and my behind numb. Many of us are. So, I am reminding myself--and you--to take action.

Work on getting signatures for RECALL PETITIONS!

Send letters, make calls, & send emails to all of our representatives and senators. You can find their email addresses already formatted on the Facebook page of the Democratic Party of Rock County in the "Notes" section. Thank those who oppose the "Budget Despair Bill," union busting, and the non-democratic actions of the Republican government of WI.

Send a "courtesy copy" to the governor and lt gov.

Write letters to the editor and call local news media asking for more thorough and more balanced coverage of this crisis--journalistic integrity.

JMNHO Vivian :>)

Check out each event site for details!

Friday at 7:00am
Holiday Inn Express Hotel Janesville-I-90 & US Hwy 14

Democratic Party of Rock County created an event.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 6:00pm
Denali's Food & Spirits, Beloit, WI

Location: Holiday Inn Express Hotel Janesville-I-90 & US Hwy 14
Time: ‎4:00PM Tuesday, March 29th

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