At Issue: Should state government have fewer 'unclassified' employees?
Some county commissioners say furlough days are for union workers, not them - Chicago Sun-Times
Fighting Bob Fest - September 17, 20

Do New Voting Laws Suppress Fraud? Or Democrats? : NPR
A Reception for Rob Zerban - Janesville
Business? How about JOBS!? Paul Ryan in Racine
Photos from Fighting Bob Fest, Madison Wisconsin, September 17, 2011 |
Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach, Brown County supervisors in power struggle | Green Bay Pre
Rep. Ryan Accuses Obama of Waging 'Class Warfare' With Millionaire Tax Plan
Ryan: Obama's 'Buffett Rule' is class warfare
Fighting Bob Fest - September 17, 2011

Wisc. Official Tells Staff to Keep Quiet About Free Voter IDs
Hillbilly Report
Thompson bid for Senate will tell us a lot about the GOP - JSOnline
Wisconsin private schools' state funding up $17M as public school funding is slashed | Green Bay Pre
Corps of Engineers questions Wisconsin rewriting mining laws - JSOnline
September 18, 2011

Cognitive Dissidence: An Introduction To Walkergate
Fighting Bob Fest attendees say it's up to the people to recall Scott Walker
Dispatch from Michigan: Urgent. “All hell is breaking out here.”
John Nichols: After FBI raid, why is Walker stonewalling?
Get Your Free American Dream Sticker Today
The Center for Media and Democracy and The Nation Win September Sidney for “ALEC:Exposed,” A Look I
Thousands Cheer Bernie Sanders's Appeal to Obama, Super-Committee: Make the Rich Pay for Deficits |.
At Fighting Bob Fest, Progressives Vow to Push Back
Media Mob Makes A HUGE Deal Out Of Spilled Beer, Gets A Lesson On What Is Actually Violence - YouTube
Wisconsin to DC: Why I am going.
The Political Environment: Shenanigans With State Jobs Again Undermining Walker
FightingBobFest - September 17, 2011
Dane County Board conservatives seek influence by threatening borrowing resolution
Madison Board of Education to host public meeting about Madison Prep proposal
Fighting Bob Fest: Stand up! Fight back! | Defend Wisconsin
Holloway, County Board question Walker’s records disposal - JSOnline
bernie sanders at Fighting Bob Fest 2011
dennis kucinich at Fighting Bob Fest 2011
The Sara Schulz Show
" Another top aide, Thomas Nardelli, who had also followed Walker from county government as Walker’s chief of staff to a job at the State Capitol, quit his latest post in the administration just three days after accepting it.
These curious actions tend to suggest that they are coming under severe pressure from legal authorities to testify about the practices of Walker’s campaign for governor."
W.P.I.N.: FBI raid on Walker aide spells major trouble for Koch’s man in Madison :: News From Underg
Some county commissioners say furlough days are for union workers, not them - Chicago Sun-Times
Fighting Bob Fest - September 17, 20

Do New Voting Laws Suppress Fraud? Or Democrats? : NPR
A Reception for Rob Zerban - Janesville
Business? How about JOBS!? Paul Ryan in Racine
Photos from Fighting Bob Fest, Madison Wisconsin, September 17, 2011 |
Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach, Brown County supervisors in power struggle | Green Bay Pre
Rep. Ryan Accuses Obama of Waging 'Class Warfare' With Millionaire Tax Plan
Ryan: Obama's 'Buffett Rule' is class warfare
Fighting Bob Fest - September 17, 2011

Wisc. Official Tells Staff to Keep Quiet About Free Voter IDs
Hillbilly Report
Thompson bid for Senate will tell us a lot about the GOP - JSOnline
Wisconsin private schools' state funding up $17M as public school funding is slashed | Green Bay Pre
Corps of Engineers questions Wisconsin rewriting mining laws - JSOnline
September 18, 2011

Cognitive Dissidence: An Introduction To Walkergate
Fighting Bob Fest attendees say it's up to the people to recall Scott Walker
Dispatch from Michigan: Urgent. “All hell is breaking out here.”
John Nichols: After FBI raid, why is Walker stonewalling?
Get Your Free American Dream Sticker Today
The Center for Media and Democracy and The Nation Win September Sidney for “ALEC:Exposed,” A Look I
Thousands Cheer Bernie Sanders's Appeal to Obama, Super-Committee: Make the Rich Pay for Deficits |.
At Fighting Bob Fest, Progressives Vow to Push Back
Media Mob Makes A HUGE Deal Out Of Spilled Beer, Gets A Lesson On What Is Actually Violence - YouTube
Wisconsin to DC: Why I am going.
The Political Environment: Shenanigans With State Jobs Again Undermining Walker
FightingBobFest - September 17, 2011
Dane County Board conservatives seek influence by threatening borrowing resolution
Madison Board of Education to host public meeting about Madison Prep proposal
Fighting Bob Fest: Stand up! Fight back! | Defend Wisconsin
Holloway, County Board question Walker’s records disposal - JSOnline
bernie sanders at Fighting Bob Fest 2011
dennis kucinich at Fighting Bob Fest 2011
Paul Ryan Calls For Increasing Taxes On Middle Class But Dismisses Millionaires Tax As ‘Class Warfar
This is another tax break for the wealthy put in by my Senator....Neal Kedzie. Thanks Neal.
Walmart family heirs and others are changing the face of education in Wisconsin | Appleton Post Cres
These curious actions tend to suggest that they are coming under severe pressure from legal authorities to testify about the practices of Walker’s campaign for governor."
W.P.I.N.: FBI raid on Walker aide spells major trouble for Koch’s man in Madison :: News From Underg
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