Senator Jon Erpenbach: The fight isn't over
Senator Jon Erpenbach on collective bargaining
Walker's budget address to outline sharp cuts
From Defend Wisconsin:
The medics have informed us
that 50+ people are gathered outside of the Capitol and plan to stay the night. It's cold and snowing. The medics ask that you bring the following items to our supporters outside: space blankets, hand warmers, gloves, mittens, scarves and hats.
Senator Schultz says he's undecided on union bill vote (previously known as the "budget repair bill")
"That Ain't Right" by Kurt Griesemer
Huffington Post preview of Gov. Walker's budget
New single by IFihadaHIFI "Imperial Walker"
Majority leader Scott Fitzgerald requires staffers of absent Senators to have him certify their time sheets and denies staffers ability to use copy machines
Worldwide association of hackers targets Koch brothers claiming attempts to usurp American democracy
Senator Jon Erpenbach on collective bargaining
Walker's budget address to outline sharp cuts
From Defend Wisconsin:
The medics have informed us
that 50+ people are gathered outside of the Capitol and plan to stay the night. It's cold and snowing. The medics ask that you bring the following items to our supporters outside: space blankets, hand warmers, gloves, mittens, scarves and hats.
Senator Schultz says he's undecided on union bill vote (previously known as the "budget repair bill")
"That Ain't Right" by Kurt Griesemer
Huffington Post preview of Gov. Walker's budget
Attend Milwaukee Events on Scott Walker and the Budget Bill! There are a lot of protests and events related to the "budget repair bill" in Milwaukee this week. Please check them out! Today: 4pm-6pm Senator Larson Thank You Rally, Howell Ave north of Puetz in Oak Creek. 7pm Milwaukee Democratic Party Meeting including 2-way live chat with the Wisconsin 14, Petit Ice Center Hall of Fame room, 500 S 84th St, West Allis Tuesday 4pm-6pm Rally to Support the Wisconsin 14, Oakland Ave and Locust St. 5pm Protest at American's for Prosperity (see above) Wednesday: 4pm-6pm Rally to Support the Milwaukee 14, Kinnickinnic Ave and Lincoln Ave 7pm Milwaukee Town Hall Meeting on the Budget, Serb Hall, 5101 W Oklahoma Ave, Milwaukee. Thursday: 4pm-6pm Rally to Support the Milwaukee 14, Water St and Wisconsin Ave 6:30 pm MPS Board Meeting of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Their Budget. Their will be public testimony. MPS administration building, 5225 W Vliet, Milwaukee. If you know of any other events, please e-mail |
Sealed windows update from NBC15 Madison:
Many of you have asked about this story. From the Madison Fire Department: Department personnel have been at the Capitol every day and were dispatched to check on rumors that the windows were being sealed and found no evidence that that was the case.
Ending Special Interest Tax Dodging Would Balance Wisconsin’s Budget
Sealed windows update from NBC15 Madison:
Many of you have asked about this story. From the Madison Fire Department: Department personnel have been at the Capitol every day and were dispatched to check on rumors that the windows were being sealed and found no evidence that that was the case.
Ending Special Interest Tax Dodging Would Balance Wisconsin’s Budget
People who aren’t good with money shouldn’t demagogue and blame the people who actually do the work.
Protesters Locked Out of Capitol
10 Ways Scott Walker is Selling Out His Constituents to Corporations
Walker Uses Workers as Political Pawns, Again
Walker’s Own Stated Policy is to Reject Bills Passed Between 10pm and 9am – as Budget “Repair” Bill was
US Secretary of Labor Asks For People to Sit Down and Talk Like Grown Ups
Respect For Constitution Trumps Walker’s Assault on Free Speech
Walker’s the One Who Has Outsiders With Him
Real Democracy Versus Walker’s Sham
Obama Warns that Rights of Public Employees Should Not Be Infringed Upon,0,5538517.storyMajority leader Scott Fitzgerald requires staffers of absent Senators to have him certify their time sheets and denies staffers ability to use copy machines
PICTURE of bolt tops being taken of, effectively making it impossible to open the windows
Gov. Walker orders Capitol windows welded shot to keep workers from passing food to those inside
Faithful Progressive: Police went to Dem. Senator Lena Taylor's church and questioned parishioners about her whereabouts.
State employee files suit against Gov. Walker for unfair labor practices
Raw Story: Walker's anti-union posture sends retirement rate soaring
Peninsula Pulse Myles Dannhausen Jr.: We are locked in a wrong debate
Thirdcoast digest: Madison, Wisconsin, the Pearl Harbor of the class war
Governor Walker gives 14 Democratic Senators 24 hours to return
Statement from Department of Administration regarding protesters remaining in the Capitol building
Republican Senator Schultz pulls his earlier statement of opposition to the budget repair bill
Protesters at the capitol singing "Do you hear the people sing" - video
Protesters at the Capitol remain defiant
Madison 360: Allies backpedal from Walker's extremism
New restrictions for protesters at State Capitol
Green Bay Gazette: Protests may end but movement is just starting
New Yorker reporting in depth on Koch brothers
Breaking: Key GOP Wisconsin Senator Reportedly Pulls Support from Union-Busting Bill;_defiant_protesters_to_occupy_capitol_despite_walker's_promise_to_remove_them/Worldwide association of hackers targets Koch brothers claiming attempts to usurp American democracy