Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Open Thread: Election Day

Welcome to Election Day! Please tell me, are we winning?  Since Scott Walker became Governor, people's outrage about his actions has been everywhere, with protests exploding all over the place, from Madison to the smallest towns in Wisconsin and nationwide.

But Prosser remains on the Supreme Court and Republicans continue to pass legislation that is turning Wisconsin into FitzWalkerstan.

Hey, Defend Wisconsin News Round Up readers:  Where are you?!

Do you live in area subject to recall elections?

Did you vote?

Regardless of where you live, what do you think is going to happen today?


Post your thoughts in the comment section!  Let's get a conversation going!


  1. kelley d albreht needs a recoding of the fake wisconsin right to life robo calls going on today,election day in wisconsin..she can be reached thru facebook

  2. I hear you....I'd love to hear some good news. Unfortunately we do not live in any of the recall districts, but we've been getting the word out. Trying to send good energy out to those districts!!!

  3. We've had several people from our area - Janesville - drive out to do canvassing, together and separately but today, there's excitement mixed with frustration because the situation is somewhat out of our hands. I'm sure there's voter turn out efforts under way (on both sides). Hoping to know before too long!

  4. Next, after the polls close, we will have to deal with the vote-counting fraud that will surely happen.

  5. I live in District 8, Alberta Darling's district. Voted for Pasch today at 9:30 a.m. and was voter #216 in wards 5-8 in Shorewood. I also went out and canvassed in far northwestern Milwaukee to get out the vote.

    Voting looked to be pretty steady this morning, not sure what if it's gotten any busier now that people are getting off work.

  6. I was up in Minocqua last week. Simac signs out numbered Holprin by 3 to 1 and the local paper was trashing Holprin. Some locals up there think he will not make it. Any suggestions. If I would have known which district I was going to I would have canvassed but I did not.
